What are the future trends of the international logistics industry amid the COVID-19 pandemic?

来源:本站作者:超级管理员 日期:2022-03-23 17:58:59 浏览: 33

  At the trend and Forecast Conference in 2021,he delivered a speech titled"Changes and Future of International Logistics under the Epidemic",deeply analyzed the impact and changes of the epidemic on the international logistics industry,and predicted the future trend of the industry.

  Under the influence of the epidemic,after twists and turns last year,the problems of the entire international logistics market have been exposed:

  First,lack of flexibility and redundancy.The entire international logistics system accumulated over the past 20-30 years lacks flexibility and redundancy.When the market pursues higher efficiency and lower prices,in fact,no asset allocator will reserve redundant transportation capacity and redundant crisis handling capacity in advance to meet uncertain demand,which is the deep reason for the lack of flexibility and redundancy.

  2.Organizations that lack immediate demand response.Many freight forwarders and logistics companies are used to determining demand.A client has been working with us for a year or two and we all know his needs.Customer service can recite what documents,when to give it,what information.However,there is no plan for international logistics in the context of the pandemic.

  COVID-19 has exposed a number of international logistics issues and has also prompted some changes in the industry:

  First,the role of shipping companies and freight forwarders in the industry chain has accelerated the pace of digitalization.This year,in container import and export logistics,the proportion of digital online cabin reservations has exceeded 15 per cent.A year or two ago,many people always said it might not happen until 10 years later.It can be said that COVID-19 has greatly accelerated the digitization of the entire industry.International logistics companies that cannot keep up with this trend may be eliminated.

  Second,owners have a stronger demand for standardized and deterministic services.In the past,many owners pursued how to get cheaper prices,but with this round of massive warehouse explosions and cabinet shortages,owners are no longer just pursuing lower prices,but safer,certain and standardized services.

  Third,the status of Chinese manufacturing is further strengthened,laying a solid foundation for the international logistics market.Before the outbreak,many people said that made in China would be replaced by Southeast Asia and other countries and that made in China would end.However,through this epidemic,we can see that no country in the world can quickly replace our excellent institutions and well-established manufacturing chains.

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